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Creating a Deaf Inclusive Workspace

Mar 26, 2024

Creating a Deaf Inclusive Workspace

by | Mar 26, 2024 | Inclusive Employment

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With South African Sign Language being made the twelfth official language of our beautiful country, you may feel it is time to jump into action and bring Deaf staff members onto your team. Inclusivity is definitely to be celebrated and applauded, but the act of hiring a Deaf individual is not the only one you will need to perform to bring about true inclusivity in your business.

To create a Deaf inclusive workspace, managers should provide accessibility. Staff needs to undergo training to grasp the necessary adjustments. Hearing staff should learn SASL. Policies may need to be updated and businesses can receive ongoing support from eDeaf and DEAFinition.

Successfully creating a Deaf inclusive workspace can be an exciting opportunity for team cohesion and the acceptance of a person from a unique background and culture into the environment. Read on to learn the factors that go into successfully employing and integrating a Deaf individual into an existing business to allow for optimum success.

Accessibility Is Vital for Creating a Deaf Inclusive Workspace

When you consider adding a Deaf employee to your staff, your top priority should be accessibility. Deaf people access information in a different way from hearing people. While hearing people use mainly their ears to gather information, Deaf people primarily use their eyes.

It can be challenging to understand all the ways in which you might need to provide accessibility for a Deaf staff member.

Key Steps to Integrate and Support Deaf Staff

  • Provide subtitles or interpreting on any training videos you show the staff by utilizing our DEAFinition studios and staff.
  • Learn South African Sign Language (SASL) so that you can communicate, even if only with the basics.
  • Participate in a Deaf Sensitization workshop before placing your Deaf staff member.
  • Provide visual information like posters in the environment.
  • Ensure that the environment has sufficient lighting, even in emergencies.
  • Install visual alarms in case of emergency.
  • Reconfigure board and meeting rooms to allow speakers to stand in well-lit areas where Deaf staff members can gain visual access to what is being said.
  • Give Deaf staff members access to written notes before the meeting.
  • Provide interpreters for formal gatherings, training, and other times when it is vital that important information be relayed to your Deaf staff member. Be sure to check the qualifications of any interpreter you hire, or book one of ours here.

Empathy is the key that unlocks the door to understanding and compassion.”

Judith Orloff

When considering accessibility for your Deaf staff member, it might be helpful to imagine yourself in their shoes (or with their hearing aids, if you will). Imagine yourself in your workplace without any access to sound or the information that comes with it.

From a place of empathy, it may be easier to note ways to make the experience more inclusive and accessible for your Deaf staff member and the exciting new direction that your business is headed.

Communication is Key for Deaf and Hearing Staff in The Workplace

It may seem cliché, but communication really is the key that unlocks barriers between people, no matter their culture or language. It is the same when you have a staff member who is Deaf in your workplace.

Did you know that Deaf people communicate in a variety of ways? When you place a Deaf person in your business, it is best to ask them about their communication preference.

Here are a few ways Deaf people use to communicate:

  • Sign Language
  • Writing on paper
  • Typing on a phone or computer
  • Speaking, listening, and/or lipreading
  • Gesturing

Although many Deaf people are experts at finding ways to communicate with hearing people, the majority use SASL as their natural, home language. If you wish to learn SASL to communicate with your Deaf staff member, we have a few great options for you.

Our SASL online course, created by DEAFinition, consists of six modules and an additional revision section. The course is designed to keep you on your toes while having fun, and as you work through each section, you learn a huge array of Signs.

Our online course also provides insightful information about the Deaf community, Deaf Culture, and Deaf history. With every lesson jam-packed with valuable content, our students truly value their certificates upon completion of their final test.

For ongoing support in SASL, download the DEAFinition App. Created by our team of passionate and talented professionals, this Sign Language app is used by thousands across the country. Touch up on Signs you’ve forgotten, or learn new ones along the way with an easy and quick tap of the screen.

Practical Elements to Consider When Creating a Deaf Inclusive Workspace

Having Deaf staff members impacts your whole team and the positive effects will be experienced by your clientele, too. There are a few practical steps you can take to ensure the smooth integration and continuous running of a mixed Deaf/Hearing team in your workspace.

For items you can purchase from DEAFinition, our top picks include the following:

  • Order badges for your Deaf staff. Our stunning badges will proudly announce to fellow staff and inquisitive clientele that your new staff members are Deaf.
  • Purchase waistcoats that educate the public as your staff members work. Our professional waistcoats come with the wording: “Tap my shoulder gently for attention.” and are a huge hit and conversation starter.
  • Put up posters showing the most commonly used workplace Signs.

Order your Deaf inclusivity items here.

As you work to foster an inclusive workplace where everyone feels appreciated, accepted, and included, it is essential that you encourage team collaboration. Provide ongoing support and learning opportunities for the Deaf and hearing staff members on your team and be open to hearing about and working through any issues or concerns that may arise, especially in the beginning.

Consider allowing a member on your team to volunteer as a mentor or buddy for the new Deaf staff member. As someone who is passionate about the role, your seasoned hearing staff member will likely take their new Deaf colleague under their wing and help create a smooth transition for everyone.

For follow-up sessions with the mentor and Deaf staff member, hire an interpreter and listen to all the feedback that is given from both parties, helping to solve challenges if they arise, and giving praise where it is due.

Did you know that because of their unique way of interacting with the world, many Deaf people are great at thinking outside the box? Having a Deaf staff member can be a huge asset when it comes to decision-making. Bring them in on the processes, especially if they will be impacted by the decisions, and allow them to shine as an integral part of the team.

Level Up Your Awesomeness!

There are so many fun ways to incorporate Deaf awareness, culture, and Sign Language into your business. Here are a few of our most fun ways to level up your awesomeness.

  • Why not book our CEO as a guest presenter for your next inspirational morning?
  • Book a 1-minute slot for a powerful introduction to South African Sign Language.
  • Let us work with your teambuilding service providers to include a “looking through the eyes of the Deaf” element.
  • We can teach you a song in Sign Language and you can present it at your year-end function!
  • Run an internal competition “So you think you can Sign” and allow us to judge your efforts.

Signing Off

Here at eDeaf and DEAFinition, we are passionate about giving Deaf school leavers the opportunity to participate in the economy, find their passion, and be part of a team of professionals. We love watching our graduates take flight in their new roles and take great pride in watching them grow and flourish.

We know that ensuring the seamless creation of a Deaf inclusive workspace may seem like a huge mountain to climb, but know that we are here to support you every step of the way. We have everything you need to make this happen and to guide your business into the diverse future it is destined for and capable of becoming.

Get in touch with us to get started, get some advice, or for a chat.

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