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Dedicated to Deaf Empowerment

DEAFinition NPC proudly stands as a 100% Black South African company, wholly devoted to making a lasting impact on the lives of the Deaf community in South Africa. We are more than just a non-profit organisation; we are champions of inclusivity and accessibility, tirelessly working to offer a wide array of solutions and financial opportunities. Our aim is clear: to facilitate equal access, foster inclusivity, and enhance the personal well-being of the Deaf community.

DEAFinition emerged during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its foundation is deeply rooted in the eDeaf initiative.

The eDeaf initiative was born out of the necessity to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape. As the world faced unprecedented challenges, we recognized the need to create a platform that would empower the Deaf community and offer innovative solutions.

DEAFinition was founded as a testament to our unwavering belief in the potential of the Deaf community. Our commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunities has been the driving force behind our journey. Today, we stand proud as a company that not only serves our clients with excellence but also champions a more inclusive and accessible future.


At the heart of our mission lies eDeaf, our dedicated sister company, which plays an integral role in realising our shared values. Born from a profound commitment to empowering the Deaf community, eDeaf has been the driving force behind the growth and evolution of DEAFinition.

DEAFinition NPC proudly stands as a 100% black South African corporation, wholly devoted to making a lasting impact on the lives of the Deaf community in South Africa. We are more than just a non-profit organization; we are champions of inclusivity and accessibility, tirelessly working to offer a wide array of services and financial opportunities. Our aim is clear: to facilitate equal access, foster inclusivity, and enhance the personal well-being of the Deaf community.

SED (Socio-Economic Development) Opportunities

We work with businesses to create socio-economic development opportunities that benefit the Deaf community and promote social inclusion.

CSI (Corporate Social Investment) Opportunities

We collaborate with corporate partners to develop impactful CSI initiatives that focus on Deaf inclusivity and accessibility.

Section 18a Public Benefit Organisation

We provide information and support related to Section 18A tax benefits for donors and sponsors who contribute to our mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote equal access for the Deaf community. We strive to break down barriers, challenge misconceptions, and champion the rights of the Deaf community to ensure they have the same opportunities as everyone else.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become South Africa’s leading provider of Deaf inclusivity and accessibility solutions. We aim to be at the forefront of change, setting the standard for accessibility and inclusivity for the Deaf community throughout the nation.

Meet the Team

Nazereen Captieux-Bhana

Nazereen is Deaf and the CEO of Employ & Empower Deaf (eDeaf) alongside her role as Director for DEAFinition. Being born Deaf, Nazereen is all too familiar with the struggles and barriers faced by Deaf people every day. She is a seasoned television presenter and was previously the host for a long-running SABC programme called ‘Signature’. Nazereen is a qualified assessor and moderator for Deaf learnerships, as well as a National mentor to those coming through the ranks. She has spent most of her life actively involved in lobbying for and empowering the Deaf community of South Africa.

Shubnum Nabbi-Maharaj

Shubnum, coming from a large Deaf family, is profoundly Deaf, she is one of three DEAFinition Directors, alongside her role as Durban Branch Manager for eDeaf. One of the most significant milestones in her journey was her international presentation at the World Federation for the Deaf in South Korea. An incredible honor and testament to the progress DEAFinition have made in promoting Deaf rights and inclusion. She thinks daily about her team, learners, and their future, realising we are in a position to not only teach but empower and bridge communication gaps. “As a Deaf person many opportunities are either very limited or the right people are just not willing to take the chance.”

Aviwe Jemane

Aviwe, born Deaf, into a Deaf family, is a passionate advocate for the Deaf community. Her journey from De la Bat School for the Deaf, where she completed her matric, led her to becoming actively involved in the Nelson Mandela’s Children Parliament Fund Organisation as Western Cape Ambassador. A heart dedicated to service, she volunteered as a teacher’s assistant and did Sign Language training for the Dept of Health in the Eastern Cape before relocating to Johannesburg. Continuing her education she pursued an IT NQF 4 learnership at eDeaf, where she became a Cultural Liaison intern. Aviwe’s mantra, “Leadership is about making others better,” drives her mission. Aviwe is a pillar of DEAFinition, providing a wide range of services and funding opportunities to guarantee equal access for the Deaf community.

Let’s Change Lives Together

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