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Personal Finance

Time Management

Sexuality & Diseases

Values & Ethics

Personal Finance

5 Days NQF Level 1 – SAQA ID: 15092

In this course, your Deaf staff will learn how to effectively manage their personal finances. Not a day goes by where we don’t use money, that is why being able to manage money is such an important skill. The skills acquired during this course can also be applied in the workplace, staff who understand their personal finance will be able to better understand the finances of the business.


  • Socio-economics Vs Personal Finances
  • Terminology Simplified
  • Purpose Of Financial Institutions And Services They Provide
  • Identify Income And Expenses
  • Draw Up And Monitor Your Budget
  • Monitor Real Expenses Against Budgeted Expenses
  • Solutions To Keep Your Budget On Track


  • Understand the world of money
  • Plan personal financial well-being
  • Develop a personal budget

Time Management

5 Days NQF Level 1 - SAQA ID: 15091

Sending your Deaf staff on this course will equip them with practical time management skills that are extremely effective in ensuring success. Candidates leave with methods and techniques they can implement in their everyday lives to help them be more efficient and productive.


  • Identify Short, Medium And Long-term Goals
  • Prioritise Tasks
  • Formalise Goals, Tasks, Activities
  • Setting A Realistic Plan
  • Review And Track Progress
  • Identify And Explain The Reasons for Deviations From The Plan
  • Identify And Implement Solutions For More Effective Planning
  • Compile A Changed Plan With A View On Improvement


  • Set realistic goals
  • Prepare an action plan
  • Implement and monitor a plan of action

Sexuality & Diseases

5 Days NQF Level 1 - SAQA ID: 14656

Within the context of the workplace and society, it is important for your Deaf staff to understand the concept of sexuality and learn more about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the impact these infections have on oneself. Knowledge is a powerful tool for your staff to live a healthy sexual lifestyle. During this module, learners are taught about sexual diversity and how important it is not to treat people living with HIV/AIDS or other STIs with a stigma. Acknowledgement is the first step towards acceptance in sexual diversity.


  • Living With Hiv/Aids And Other STDs
  • Sexual Health


  • Demonstrate an understanding of being sexually healthy.
  • Discuss the challenges of living with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

Values & Ethics

5 Days NQF Level 1 - SAQA ID: 12537

This course will help your Deaf staff identify what they value in life. During the course of this programme, learners discover more about who they are, what they believe in, what they value in life and about how they behave. It is important for staff to understand how attitude and actions can influence their work life and personal life.


  • People And Their Value Systems
  • Values And Ethics In The Workplace


  • Define own value system and the rights and responsibilities associated with it in various contexts.
  • Understand the need for ethics in the workplace and why value conflicts occur.