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The Equitable Shift: Aligning Remote and In-Person Interpreting Rates

Feb 23, 2024

The Equitable Shift: Aligning Remote and In-Person Interpreting Rates

by | Feb 23, 2024 | Inclusive Employment

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In the evolving landscape of language services, the distinction between remote and in-person interpreting has never been more significant. With the advent of technology and changing global trends, it’s time to reassess the value we place on these services. Here’s why aligning the rates for remote and in-person interpreting not only makes sense but is crucial for a fair and efficient interpretation service ecosystem.

Equality in Workload

Equal Effort: The task of interpreting, whether done remotely or in-person, demands the same level of skill, concentration, and effort from the interpreter.

Global Trend: There’s a noticeable shift towards valuing online interpreting more, with a trend of paying approximately 100 Euros more for a 6-hour day of online work compared to in-person assignments.

Advantages of Remote Interpreting for Clients

Cost Efficiency: By opting for remote interpreting, clients save on transport costs, which can amount to R350.00 per day/trip.

Flexibility and Accessibility: Remote services can often be secured more quickly and with shorter notice, offering greater convenience to clients.

Rationalizing In-Person Requests

Limited Availability: In-person services are subject to the availability of South African Sign Language (SASL) interpreters who can physically travel to the location.

Travel Time Consideration: SASL interpreters often face extended travel times, turning a 1-hour assignment into a 3-hour commitment. This reduces their availability for other assignments, as they can realistically only handle two 1-hour assignments per day.

Potential Policy Shift: To encourage more efficient booking practices, there’s a consideration for compensating interpreters for their travel time, aligning with international standards. This could deter clients from booking short-duration, in-person services that are not cost-effective for either party.

Encouraging Advanced Planning

Clients might need to book SASL interpreters further in advance to ensure service availability. This encourages better planning and helps manage the availability of interpreters more effectively.

In conclusion, equalizing the rates for remote and in-person interpreting acknowledges the professional effort involved in both modes of delivery. It promotes a more efficient, equitable, and client-friendly approach to securing language interpretation services. By adapting to these changes, we can better support the needs of all stakeholders in the interpreting process, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their preferred mode of communication, receives the highest quality service.

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